Regional Associations

Central States Association

The Central States Association is an association of jurisdictional workers' compensation agencies from the central region of the U.S., including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. To learn more, view the Constitution of the Central States Association.

Central States Region


The leaders of the Central States Association are from member jurisdictions, and are voted on by the membership to one year terms. 

President Jose Castillo, Kansas Division of Workers' Compensation 

Vice President Rodney Gennrich, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Workers' Compensation Division

Central States Association Spring Seminar

The Central States Association Spring Seminar brings together regulators and private sector leaders from the central region of the U.S. to discuss policy, regulation, and legislation.  The Central States Association Spring Seminar will take place June 26-27, 2025. 

2024 Spring Seminar Materials

State of Workers' Comp

Inpatient Utilization

KS AI Policy

Artificial Intelligence Tool Security Standard / Minnesota IT Services (

Artificial Intelligence Personal Productivity Security Standard (

FAQs / Minnesota IT Services (

Rescheduling Marijuana: Implications for Workers' Compensation

Legal Aspects of Cannabis in Workers' Compensation-MN

Legal Aspects of Cannabis in Workers' Compensation-NE

Adjudication Survey Results and Lessons Learned

Past Central States Seminar Materials

Western Association of Workers' Compensation Boards (WAWCB)

The Western Association of Workers' Compensation Boards (WAWCB) is an association of jurisdictional workers' compensation agencies from the western region of the U.S. including Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Western RegionLeadership

The leaders of the WAWCB are from member jurisdictions and are voted to one year terms by the membership. 

President Jason Swant, Montana Department of Labor and Industry Employment Relations Division

Vice President Matt West, Oregon Workers' Compensation Division


The WAWCB holds its annual meeting during the IAIABC Convention.

The WAWCB will also be hosting an event February 25, 2025 from 11am-3pm CT virtually.

Learn more and Register here

Northeast States Association

The Northeast States Association is an association of jurisdictional workers' compensation agencies from the north east region of the U.S., including Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.Northeast States


The Northeast States Association conducted virtual meetings January 14, January 21, and March 5, 2021. Contact Jessica Faust, or 608-410-2215 for more information.

Powerpoint Presentations:

Telehealth Powerpoint


Northeast States Roundtable Discussion - January 14, 2021

Northeast States Telemedicine Panel Discussion - January 21, 2021

Northeast States Virtual Hearings Presentation - March 5, 2021